My friend Pat and I finally arrived at the cabin around 2am Thursday evening. The next morning we waited for the last family to arrive (Heather, Dewey and Baby Alex) before going to "Zorb." Basically, they put you in this big inflatable ball and roll you down a hill. Yeah, exactly. You can either be strapped in and roll head over heels or you can sit in about a gallon or two of water and pretty much slide around in the thing - while getting the biggest wedgie of your life - and ride it like a waterslide down the hill. I chose the latter. Wedgie does not cost extra.

(PS This isn't me.)
After getting dried off, we went to drive up one of the Smokey Mountains and hike to the lookout on top. However, our group got separated into those that needed a snack at Wendy's (after waiting about 3 hours to Zorb) and those that forgot dry clothes and stopped at Wal-Mart. Once we got everyone caught up, I slept most of the way up the mountain, walked about 20 feet before finding the rest of our group, and then we left. Eh, I was tired...I'll live.
Saturday we went white water rafting on the Occoe River! We drove about 2 hours to get to the rafting outfitter and were on our way. My battle wounds include a bruise on my lower back where my friend Melissa's knee aggressively met my back when we were told to "get down!" in a rapid, and a giant swollen bruise on my left shin where my own leg hit the air cap on the seat in front of me when we were "getting down." Yikes. Other than that, I was the first crew member tossed in during a rapid (no thanks to my "friend" Melissa who claims she inadvertently pushed me out), the river guide let me steer for a while, and upon taking the reins back from me, pushed me out again...on purpose. It was funny though and I'm sure he wouldn't have done it if he knew he couldn't get away with it.
I sure could use a massage right now, but instead I'll settle for a good night's sleep in my own bed and some reading. G'night!