Thursday, October 23, 2008

Negative Ads?

In this time of campaign ads, both positive and negative, it has me thinking about actual product advertising. Just in the last week, I've noticed two product ads that are seemingly positive, but in reality are essentially bashing their competitors, albeit a bit more subtly than black and white photos, newspaper headlines, quotes, and using that creepy dude's voice. However, isn't there a twinge of negativity? You decide...

Apple Ad

There's also a Claritin ad (that I can't find on YouTube) that keeps talking about Zyrtec and how it "may cause drowsiness." From what I recall the announcer even says "there's one thing Zyrtec won't tell you." Sounds an awful lot like political commercials to me.


1 comment:

Johnny Yen said...

There was a time where advertisers wouldn't mention the name of the competitor's product-- they'd refer to it as "Brand X." Sometime in the mid-seventies, advertisers actually started naming names. It was such a big deal that Time Magazine had an article about it.

I love the Mac-PC commercials-- having worked professionally with both systems, Macs beat the PC's hands down.